
Module: alsdev

tcl_coerce_number/3 — convert Tcl entity to Prolog number
tcl_coerce_atom/3 — convert Tcl entity to Prolog atom
tcl_coerce_list/3 — convert Tcl entity to Prolog list


tcl_coerce_number(+ Interpreter, + Object, ? Number)

tcl_coerce_atom(+ Interpreter, + Object, ? Atom)

tcl_coerce_list(+ interpreter, + Object, ? List)


These three predicates convert the object Object to a specific Prolog type using the Tcl interpreter Interpreter. Object can be an number, atom or list. If Object is already the correct type, then it is simply bound to the output argument. If Object cannot be converted, an error is generated.


tcl_coerce_number(i, '1.3', N) - Succeeds, binding N to the float 1.3

tcl_coerce_number(i, 1.3, N) - Succeeds, binding N to the float 1.3

tcl_coerce_number(i, 'abc', N) - Generates an error.

tcl_coerce_atom(i, [a, b, c], A) - Succeeds, binding A to 'a b c'

tcl_coerce_atom(i, 1.4, A) - Succeeds, binding A to '1.4'

tcl_coerce_list(i, 'a b c', L) - Succeeds, binding L to [a, b, c]

tcl_coerce_list(i, 1.4, L) - Succeeds, binding L to [1.4]

tcl_coerce_list(i, '', L) - Succeeds, binding L to []


Interpreter is not an atom.

Object is not a number, atom or list.

Object cannot be converted to the type.