
Module: sio

stream_property/2 — retrieve streams and their properties

ISO Standard Predicate


stream_property(Stream, Property)


stream_property/2 is used to retrieve information on a particular stream. It may also be used to find those streams satisfying a particular property.

Stream may be either an input or output argument. If used as an input argument it should be bound to either a stream descriptor as returned by open/4 or an alias established in a call to open/4. If used as an output argument, Stream will only be bound to stream descriptors. This predicate may be used to retrieve those streams whose handles were “lost” for some reason.

Property is a term which may take any of the following forms:

file_name(F) – When the stream is connected to a source/sink which is a file, F will be the name of that file.

stream_name(N)N is unified with the name of the source/sink regardless of whether the stream is connected to a file or not.

mode(M)M is unified with the I/O mode which was specified at the time the stream was opened.

input – The stream is connected to a source.

output – The stream is connected to a sink. It is possible for a stream to have both input and output properties.

alias(A) – If the stream has an alias, A will be unified with that alias.

position(P) – If the stream is repositionable, P will be unified with the current position in the stream.

end_of_stream(E) – If the stream position is located at the end of the stream, then E is unified with ‘at’ . If the stream position is past the end of stream, then E is unified with ‘past’. Otherwise, E is unified with ‘no’. In the current implementation of ALS Prolog, querying about the end_of_stream property may cause an I/O operation to result which may block.

eof_action(A) – If the stream option eof_action(Action) was specified in the options list when the stream was opened, then A will be unified with this action. Otherwise, A will be unified with the default action appropriate for the stream.

snr_action(A) – If the stream option snr_action(Action) was specified in the options list when the stream was opened, then A will be unified with this action. Otherwise, A will be unified with the default action appropriate for the stream.

reposition(R) – If positioning is possible on this stream then R is unified with true; if not R is unified with false.

type(T)T will be unified with either text or binary, indicating the type of stream.

maxdepth(D)D will be unified with the default depth with which terms are written to.

depth_computation(DC)DC will be unified with the atom indicating the method of depth computation when writing out terms.

line_length(L)L will be unified to the default line length parameter which is used for determining where line breaks should be placed when writing terms.


%% Open 'foo' for write, but "lose" the stream descriptor.
?- open(foo,write,_).

%% Use stream_property to retrieve the stream descriptor and close it.
?- stream_property(S,file_name(foo)), close(S).
S = stream_descriptor('',closed,file,foo,[noinput|output],true,

%% Open 'foo' for read with an alias.
?- open(foo,read,_,[alias(foo_alias)]).

%% Call stream_property to find out where end-of-stream is. Note that foo was created as the empty file above.
?- stream_property(foo_alias,end_of_stream(Where)).
Where = at

%% Call stream_property again to find out about the end-of-stream.
?- stream_property(foo_alias,end_of_stream(Where)).
Where = past

%% Call stream_property to find out the name of the file associated with the alias.
?- stream_property(foo_alias,file_name(Name)).
Name = foo

%% Get all of the names attached to streams.
?- setof(N,S^stream_property(S,stream_name(N)),L).
N = N
S = S
L = ['$stderr','$stdin','$stdout',foo]