
Module: builtins

append/2 — appends a list of lists together
list_diff/3 — returns the ordered difference of two lists
list_diffs/4 — returns both ordered differences of two lists
symmetric_diff/3 — returns the symmetric difference of two lists
intersect/2 — returns the intersection of a list of lists
intersect/3 — returns the intersection of two lists
int_diff/4 — returns the intersection and one difference of two lists
union/3 — returns the ordered union of two lists
sorted_merge/2 — returns the sorted union of a list of lists
sorted_merge/3 — returns the sorted union of two lists
subset/2 — determines if one list is a subset of another
init_seg_list/2 — determines if one list is an initial segment of another


append(ListOfLists, Result)

list_diff(A, B, A_NotB)






union(A,B, AuB)

sorted_merge(List1, List2, Union)

sorted_merge(ListOfLists, Union)

subset(LeftList, RightList)

init_seg_list(LeftList, RightList)


append/2 If ListOfLists if a list, each of whose elements is a list, Result is obtained by appending the members of ListOfLists together in order.

list_diff/3 If A and B are lists, returns the difference A-B consisting of all items on A, but not on B.

list_diffs/4 If A and B are lists, returns both the difference A-B together with the difference B-A.

symmetric_diff/3 If A and B are lists, returns the symmetric difference of A and B, which is the union of A-B and B-A.

intersect/3 If A and B are lists, returns the intersection AintB of A and B, which is the list of all items common to both lists, in order.

int_diff/4 If A and B are lists, returns the intersection AintB of A and B, together with the difference A - B.

intersect/2 If L is a list of lists, returns the intersection IntsectL of all of the lists appearing on L.

union/3 If A and B are lists, returns the ordered union of A and B, consisting of all items occurring on either A or B, with all occurrences of items from A occurring before any items from B-A; equivalent to:
If both lists have the property that each element occurs no more than once, then the union also has this property.

sorted_merge/3 If List1 and List2 are lists of items, Union is the sorted merge (non-repetitive union) of List1 and List2.

sorted_merge/2 If ListOfLists is a list of lists, Union is the sorted merge (non-repetitive union) of the members of ListsOfLists.

subset/2 If LeftList and RightList are both lists, this predicate is true if and only if every element of LeftList is also an element of RightList

init_seg_list/2 If LeftList and RightList are both lists, this predicate is true if and only if LeftList is an initial sublist of RightList.